RK Freight is a diversified logistics company specializing in international freight forwarding, shipping logistics, distribution, and travel-related services. Established in 2008, the company was founded to address challenges faced by exporters in meeting delivery schedules. Over the years, RK Freight has emerged as a key player in Bangladesh’s transportation and logistics industry, offering air and ocean freight forwarding, customs brokerage, road transportation, container movement, and handling of heavy & dangerous goods.
With a strong global network and advanced logistics solutions, RK Freight ensures seamless integration within the supply chain, connecting manufacturers, raw material suppliers, exporters, carriers, and brokers. The company operates with a customer-focused approach, providing cost-effective transportation, efficient order management, and tailored logistics solutions.
RK Freight’s strategic office and warehouse locations, equipped with modern communication systems and storage facilities, enable it to maintain high service standards. Backed by an experienced team and a commitment to innovation, RK Freight continues to strengthen its position as a leader in Bangladesh’s logistics and freight forwarding sector.
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