Runway Lighting Systems!
Understanding Runway Lighting Systems ✈️💡
Ever wondered what all those lights on an airport runway mean? Each type of lighting plays a crucial role in guiding pilots during takeoff, landing, and taxiing. Here’s a breakdown:
🔹 Taxiway Lights – Blue, green, and yellow lights help pilots navigate on the ground.
🔹 Edge Lights – White and yellow lights marking the runway boundaries.
🔹 Threshold Lights – Green and red lights indicating the start and end of a runway.
🔹 Centerline Lights – White and red lights guiding aircraft down the runway’s center.
🔹 Runway End Lights – Red lights signaling the end of the runway.
🔹 PAPI/VASI – Precision Approach Path Indicators help pilots with approach angles.
🔹 TDZL (Touchdown Zone Lights) – Mark the ideal touchdown zones for landing.
🔹 ALS (Approach Lighting System) – Enhances visibility during approach.
🔹 REILs (Runway End Identifier Lights) – Flashing white lights highlighting runway ends.
These lights ensure safe and efficient airport operations, especially in low-visibility conditions.